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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

arranged marriage.

this is an article regards arranged marriage.

Arranged marriage
is a marriage arranged by someone other than the couple getting wedded, curtailing or avoiding the process of courtship. Such marriages had deep roots in royal and aristocratic families around the world, including Europe. Today, arranged marriage is still practiced in South Asia, and the Middle East andEast Asia to some extent. Other groups that practice this custom include the Unification Church. It should not be confused with the phenomenon of forced marriage. Arranged marriages are usually seen in Indian, traditional European and African cultures, especially among royalty, and are usually decided by the parents or an older family member. The match could be selected by parents, a matchmaking agent, matrimonial site, or a trusted first party. In many communities, priests or religious leaders as well as relatives or family friends play a major role in matchmaking.

source : wikipedia

ok. ni pasal arranged marriage. wuhuhu~
seronok ke?is this still being practice in this modern world?
for whatever reason, sometimes it bring happiness but somehow it leads to divorce.
for me it has nothing to do with it as long as both accept and respect each other.
it will then create love between both partners.
since baru tgk adamaya ni la baru post psl ni :)

kau yang ilhamkan bahagia..

new drama series ADAMAYA is about arranged marriage. i really love it since it has happy ending. both parents agreed to marry their children for their own reason. even there were a lot of barriers, the managed it very well :)

both are so adorable and so so sweet! :)

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